
A road with few traffic lights

福島県 / 奥久慈街道 推薦者 : 千葉学(建築家/東京大学大学院教授)
Okukuji Cycle Route, Fukushima Prefecture Recommended by Manabu Chiba(Architect University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Engineering Professor)



A road that spans four towns and villages and offers a variety of courses.

The most attractive point of this road, which straddles four towns and villages, is that it offers a variety of courses depending on the runner’s leg strength and interests. Wherever you start, you will encounter nature unique to the region, from flatlands along the Kuji River, hill climbs, mountainous areas with continuous ups and downs, to majestic grasslands and small hills. The 75.2km long course is suitable for advanced riders, but the 20km long course in each town and village can be enjoyed by beginners. Moreover, there are almost no traffic lights during the course. There are rarely any cars. This is a heavenly environment for those who usually run in urban areas. In addition, it is nice to have a full range of amenities. Each town and village has its own hot springs, so you can set that as your goal, and since you can rent e-bikes, you can enjoy it with your family or friends with different leg strength.
It is said that this area used to be a konjac production area. The houses scattered along the road are beautiful with carefully tended plants, but the scenery of the konjac storage called “Himuro” is also impressive. Some of them are now used as storage rooms or remain unused, but if they are renovated, benches are placed, and cyclists can rest there, it will be an experience that no other place can create. With such a wonderful course at the southernmost tip of Tohoku, a short distance from the Tokyo metropolitan area, there is no reason not to go for a ride.


東京大学大学院工学系研究科建築学専攻教授。1960年東京生まれ。東京大学建築学科卒業、同大学院修士課程修了。日本設計、ファクター・エヌ・アソシエイツ共同主宰を経て2001年千葉学建築計画事務所設立。2013年より現職。主な作品に「日本盲導犬総合センター」(日本建築学会作品賞)「大多喜町役場」(ユネスコ文化遺産保全のためのアジア太平洋遺産賞功績賞)「工学院大学125周年記念総合教育棟」(村野藤吾賞)。著書に『rule of the site-そこにしかない形式』『人の集まり方をデザインする』など。

Manabu Chiba(Architect University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Engineering Professor)

Professor, Department of Architecture, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo. Born in Tokyo, 1960. Graduated with a master’s degree from the Department of Architecture, The University of Tokyo. After working at Nihon Sekkei Inc. and as a principal at Factor N Associates, established Chiba Manabu Architects in 2001. Professor at the University of Tokyo since 2013. Notable works include Japan Dog Guide Center “Fuji-Harness” (Architectural Institute of Japan Award), Otaki Town Hall (UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation, Award of Merit), Kogakuin University General Education Building (Murano Togo Prize). Publications include “rule of the site,” “Hito No Atsumari Kata Wo Design Suru (Designing How People Are Gathered Together).”

高低差:標高 690m~ 157m

制定年 : 2022

Location: Town of Tanagura, Town of Yamatsuri, Town of Hanawa, Samegawa village, Fukushima Prefecture
Distance: Approximately 75.2 km for the entire length of the road
Road Surface: Asphalt
Vertical Interval: Between altitudes of 690 meters to 157 meters
Recommended Season: Spring, Summer, Fall
Nearby Facilities: Yu-Yu Land Hanawa, Parking, Bathrooms
Average Temperature: Spring 13℃, Summer 23℃, Fall 15℃
Greenery: Rich
Traffic: Limited

Year : 2022

アクセス :



Approximately 10 minutes by bike from Iwaki Hanawa Station
From Joban Expressway Naka Interchange, take National Route 118 towards Daigo/Koriyama for 80 minutes.
From Tohoku Expressway Shirakawa Interchange, take National Route 4 to 289, then 118 towards Mito for 70 minutes.


Editor: Moto Takagi
Photographer: Tetsuya Tsukamoto
Production: Runner’s Information Research Institute