
Let’s create a sports special ward.

Tadaaki Hayano(Secretary General of Tokyo Marathon Foundation)



It is a tough issue for civilian runners to secure time for running. Even if they have a desire to run, they can rarely run because they have to go to work. It would be desirable if there were a system that they can run during breaks. It would not be bad if they could spend one hour of their lunch breaks for eating and another hour for anything else they would like for instance. Companies support to spare time for them. Companies would curtail their medical spending if their employees became healthier. Corporations should spend money for employees’ healthy lifestyles as a whole.
The same goes for hardware. Running courses should appear in cities just as Boulder in America. I would like to create running stations like open cafes in cities so that running would be more familiar in our lifestyles. We would arrive at work after running from home grandly for an hour in the morning. We would take a shower at work and work steadily for 8 hours.
It would be alright if cities where such lifestyles are possible existed in Japan. If the number of people who want to live in such cities increased, the land value would go up. I approve such favorable cycles. We should begin where we can to build sports special wards. Then a brand-new industry could emerge.



Tadaaki Hayano(Secretary General of Tokyo Marathon Foundation)

He won the championship on 800 m at interscholastic athletic meet during high school. After graduating from University of Tsukuba, he taught for a while and then studied abroad at University of Colorado. He became involved in sports marketing such as Assics. He had worked as a Chief of Public Relations for Tokyo Marathon since 2006 and has worked at the current position since July 2010.