
A Road Becoming a Film Set

宮城県気仙沼市 推薦者 : 小林政広 (映画監督)
Kesennuma, Miyagi Prefecture Recommended by Masahiro Kobayashi (film director)






Scenery Visible from this Special Road

When I was living in Kesennuma, I often took a stroll along this road which stretches from Route 26 to Isaribi Park on Hayamasan. I even shot my film “Haru’s Journey” there. There used to be a ropeway that led to Hayamasan, but it is currently closed. At the peak of the mountain, there is a place called Isaribi Park where the isaribi (fires for luring fish at night) from squid fishing boats can be seen. You can enjoy such a great ocean view from the eatery and the the observation deck where the locals gather.

The town of Karakuwa is home to many fishermen. Because the town has been struck by tsunamis many times in the past, the fishermen made a cemetery on the mountain. In the film, I shot the scene of the protagonist, played by Tatsuya Nakadai, paying a visit to the grave.

When shooting a film, the background serves to reflect every character’s emotional state. No matter how nice a place may be, it becomes difficult to feature unless it explains something. A simply vast location or beautiful townscape won’t necessarily work cinematically. Also, it is the actors who see the landscape while they perform. Rather than going to the actual place, you could film in a different location, but it won’t express anything. You must physically go to that place and perform in that place. That’s where the meaning lies.

Also, in filmmaking, you have to create a road map that is different from reality. It is about creating a city to match the narrative, connecting the protagonist’s routes from his house and workplace, and so on. To some extent, a photogenic road must have the feeling of life. When location hunting, I always walk so that I don’t miss anything by being in the car. I consider how to walk on the road or where the actors themselves might walk. There may be an old building or cedar forest. A road with attractive elements around it is a good road.

小林政広 (映画監督)

映画監督。1954年、東京生まれ。96年初監督作『CLOSING TIME』を製作し、映画製作会社モンキータウンプロダクションを設立。『海賊版=BOOTLEG FILM』(1999)、『殺し』(2000)、『歩く、人』(2001)、『バッシング』(2005)をカンヌ国際映画祭へ出品。『女理髪師の恋』(2003)、『愛の予感』(2007)、『ワカラナイ』(2009)をロカルノ国際映画祭コンペティション部門へ出品するなど特に海外での評価が高い。主演も務めた『愛の予感』では第60回ロカルノ映画祭最高賞の金豹賞、ダニエル・シュミット賞含む4賞を同時受賞。『春との旅』(2010)では、毎日映画コンクール日本映画優秀賞はじめ、観客賞、最優秀監督賞ほか国内外で数多くの賞を獲得。最新作は『日本の悲劇』(2012)。

Masahiro Kobayashi (film director)

Film director. Born 1954 in Tokyo. Kobayashi made his directorial debut with “Closing Time” in 1996, and founded the film production company Monkey Town Productions. He has presented “Bootleg Film” (1999), “Koroshi” (2000), “Man Walking on Snow” (2001), and “Bashing” (2005) at the Cannes Film Festival. Kobayashi’s films are highly acclaimed, especially abroad, where films such as “Amazing Story” (2003), “The Rebirth” (2007) and “Where Are You?” (2009) have been selected for the Locarno International Film Festival. For “The Rebirth,” which he directed and starred in, Kobayashi won four prizes at the 60th Locarno Film Festival, including the Golden Leopard and the Daniel Schmid Award. “Haru’s Journey” (2010) has won numerous domestic and international awards, including the Mainichi Film Awards for Best Japanese Film, the Audience Choice, and the Best Director. His latest feature film is “Japan’s Tragedy” (2012).


制定年 : 2015

Location: Karakuwacho, Kesennuma, Miyagi Prefecture
Distance: 450 m
Road surface: asphalt
Recommended season: spring, summer
Nearby facilities: Isaribi Park
Average temperature: summer 22℃, winter 0℃
Greenery: abundant

Year : 2015

アクセス :



about 20 minutes by car from JR Kesennuma Station


Editors: Moto Takagi, Tetsuya Tsukamoto, Madoka Hattori
Translation:Yu Araki
Photographer: Maki Onodera
Production: Runner’s Information Research Institute